Every camera, from pinhole to the most sophisticated, has five basic parts. By working with a simple pinhole camera, we can better understand the Single Lens Reflex cameras we will use later in the year.
- A light tight container
- An aperture (opening)
- A shutter
- A viewfinder of some kind.
- A film transport system.
This tutorial is similar to my demonstration.
How to make a pinhole camera.
Assignment: Build a working pinhole camera. When you are finished, follow these steps.
- Is your camera light tight? _______________________________________________________
- What is the aperture of your pinhole camera? Divide the focal length (distance from the pinhole to the negative plane) by the diameter of the pinhole (0.0010) Your result should be somewhere around f500. ________________________________________________________________________
- Using a 20 second exposure as a benchmark for a sunny day, make a series of test exposures to determine the best exposure time for your camera.
- If the initial exposure is too dark, half the exposure time.
- If it's too light double it. Us this sheet to record your test information.
- Every time you double or half the time, you have changed the exposure one stop.
- Make sure to weight your camera down with a book or other heavy object. Camera movement will blur your image.
- Remember to stay as still as possible. Movements during log exposure will create bury images. Your may ask a friend to open and close yhour shutter for you.
- Do not shoot into the sun.
1st Test Strip (list conditions, time of exposure and result).
2nd Test Strip (list conditions, time of exposure and result)
3rd Test Strip (list conditions, time of exposure and result).
4. My best exposure time in bright sunshine is _______________________________________________
5. Shoot your self portrait and develop your negative.
6. Make a positive print from you negative.
7.Sepia tone your print.
8.Dry mount the print.