Tuesday, February 2, 2016

School Lunch

School Lunch, you love it or hate it. Bag lunch or cafeteria food? Are your friends in your lunch period? Is it crowded? Show me how you see "school lunch". (minimum 2 photographs.)

Recently a lot of people are talking about school lunch. Mrs. Obama's Hunger-Free Kids Act has limited high school lunches to 850 calories.

  • Do you feel that school lunch is adequate? Are you hungry? Do you supplement your lunch by buying another lunch? Buying chips from the machine?
  • What kinds of foods would you like the food service to add to their menu? (Sushi?)
  • Is lunch too long? Would 20 minutes be long enough? 
  • Do you study or work on homework during lunch?
  • Would you skip lunch if you could leave school 42 minutes early?
  • Do you use the school Wifi during lunch?
  • Would you like to seek large screen TV's in the lunchroom. What kinds of programs whould you like to watch?
Write a paragraph describing your views on school lunch.

I took a few minutes out of my "lunch duty" to take a closer look at school lunch. I push the garbage can around and encourage the kids to recycle. Occasionally I come upon something like this.....YUK!

Ketchup Art?
Look at the lunch room in a different way. Try different points of views! There is a lot going on there!

The "regular" UNO game.

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