Thursday, April 21, 2016

Point of View

Auto Parts (Digital Assignment)

Car Parts?

The automobile is ubiquitous part of the American society. Cars are everywhere and we rely on them for our livelihood. There is a real attachment to cars in our culture. High School students take the day off to take their "road test", and earning a license is a rite of passage to adulthood.

We love them, but do we really take a close look at them. We know when we see a car we like, but our perception is of the whole, not the many individual parts that make a "car". Look at your car (or family car) closely. Photograph it from different perspectives. Look for unusual detail. What about the engine compartment? The wheel covers? Even the undercarriage! Don't forget to get close with your "macro" capability.

The assignment
Make a series of 5 images that explore your car from many points of view. Write a short paragraph explaining why you picked this car. Tell me how cars and driving are important to your life.


My father was in the automobile leasing industry for years. He always came home with different cars. I grew up thinking of cars as appliances, we called them vehicles. Function was more important than Form. My Scion XB is a reflection of that attitude. It's dumb ugly, but functional. It's an appliance, like a refrigerator.  I select cars for what they can do, not how they look. This car can seat 4 comfortably, get 30 plus miles to the gallon and was inexpensive. PERFECT but UGLY!

Scion XB Engine Compartment

Scion XB Battery

Scion XB Speedo

Scion XB Shocks

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