Thursday, April 21, 2016

Scannergram and Copier Arts

Copier Arts are a new media that was created with the advent of Xerox machines and printers. Originally an artist would use copy machines to degrade and manipulate original artwork to create different effects. With the advent of scanners and photo manipulation software, copier art can be taken to a high level.

A scanner can take photographs of small three dimensional objects.

Even ugly art teachers.
We will create a Scannergram Self Portrait that incorporates a photo of ourselves, and 4 scanned ojects that reflect our persona. Additional photos and your name may be added. Here is my example. I was having a "bad" day.

Don't run with the scissors!

Post your "Scannergram" to your blog and write a brief description of your concept. Why did you choose particular objects? How do they represent you?

My example:

My self portrait is my attempt at self depreciating humor. You can't imagine the number of times I've warned kids to be careful with a scissor or x-acto knife. My family (my two kids) are the "glue" that keeps me together when I'm having a bad day. The "scissor" glasses represent how I see the world through the creation of art.

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